This Sunday we will again be doing what we call Hope Fest for the good of the neighborhood. We are partnering with our friends at the Salvation Army, Christian Hill and His Providence Church to provide a cookout, music and stories of redemption. The primary purpose is to bring hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
As always there are so many ways to get involved. On Sunday at about 2 pm (after lunch) we need volunteers to show up at Ren to pack and load everything we need for the outreach. This includes our portable staging, sound system, tents, grill and many other things.
Another way to help is to jump onto the team distributing invites out in the neighborhood. There are two blocks scheduled for this. One is this Saturday at noon and the other is Sunday at 2 pm. If you are a little shy or new to this we will put you with people who have experience.
Most importantly please pray. The point of an outreach isn't simply to make the neighbors happy by giving them food and music. We really want to see weights fall off of people. We want people who are right now depressed to walk away overflowing with joy. We want the spiritually lost to be found. Remember this old hymn?
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch; like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
These simple lyrics describe an experience that happens to a person when Jesus transforms the heart. It is this transformation from lost to found, death to life, that we are yearning to see happen to our neighbors. So let's be in much prayer this week that God would move on hearts !!!